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wallpapering furniture

Everything You Need To Know About Wallpapering Furniture

Not everything can be customized! This is the most common yet false notion people carry around us. Why is that? Because we’re evolving trends into styles that become a highlight overnight. And with that being said, everyone wants to induce a self-image in their possessions. For instance, furniture is a home essential that if customized is a significant decor enhancement.

But how’s that possible? Wallpapering furniture is the way to go. Yes, it’s the new norm for outsmarting others in the decor game while still adding a personalized touch to the interior. Wondering how it can be done? Don’t worry, this informative article by Carpet Supplier is your savior of tough times.

The Way To Wallpapering Furniture: Step-by-Step Guide

Almost everything that’s furniture can be wallpapered and that includes a range of essentials like desks, cupboards, wardrobes, chairs, tables, drawer fronts, shelves, TV consoles, table tops, and you name it. Before stepping right into this made-to-look efficient procedure, you must be wondering what other benefits come along with this DIY task.

wallpapering furniture dubai

Why Wallpaper Decorated Furniture Is A Trend?

It can’t just be upscaling furniture aesthetics that more and more people are decorating furniture with wallpaper. So, what exactly do you get to enjoy afterward? Let’s find out the significant features of wallpapering furniture essentials;

  • Wallpapering new furniture is the trick to protect furnishings while adding a personality touch to match your style.
  • For old surfaces and drab-looking furniture items, the reason is to conceal markings, impressions, and dull-polished surfaces.
  • Moreover, wallpapering furniture is a cheap trick to keep up with trends & be in fashion. Therefore, people opt to wallpaper furniture rather than replace it completely.
  • Furthermore, wallpapers are available in versatile designs and patterns from vivid & bold themes to delicate flower motifs and whatnot. Thus, you get a range of appealing choices.
  • Last but not least, you can maximize interior design output by complementing the theme with wallpapered furniture.

wallpapering dubai

What Type of Wallpaper Is The Best For Furniture Decoration?

The ideal choice is a peel & stick wallpaper but that doesn’t stop you from traditional wallpaper applications. Some types of wallpaper come with non-adhesive backing while others are glued to the surfaces i.e. Quadrostyle adhesive wallpaper.


What Tools & Materials You Will Require For This DIY Task?

Several tools are needed for the project & must be arranged before stepping up to this task.

  • A pencil (for markings)
  • Measuring Tape
  • Scissors/Blade/Cutter
  • Wallpaper Adhesive/Glue
  • Brush or Soft Cloth
  • Moist Sponge
  • Screw Driver
  • Medium-grain sandpaper
  • Drop Cloth/Newspaper
  • Utility Knife (If needed)

1. Scrub Furniture For Initial Surface Preparation

Wallpapering the furniture requires essential surface preparation for a smooth finish & long-lasting applications. The idea is to get rid of any dirt, dust, grime or spills over the furniture surface to be wallpapered.

  1. A moist sponge is all you need for this purpose.
  2. For removing stubborn stains, you can use non-abrasive homemade chemicals.
  3. Make sure to clean the furniture using soft hands and in circular motions.
  4. Let the furniture air-dry & give it some ample time before moving on to the next process. 

2. Get Rid of Removable Cabinet Doors & Drawers

For a proficient project completion, it’s advised to remove cabinet doors and drawers. This way you’ll be able to work swiftly and without any obstruction to ensure a professional-like finish.

  1. You need to remove hinges and handles before wallpapering furniture cabinets and compartments. Set them aside safely & avoid losing them.
  2. As for the compartment doors, you must remove them swiftly & without applying much pressure or force that may harm or break them.
  3. After removing cabinets and doors, it’s essential to clean left behind marks and grime.

3. Wooden & Plastic Surfaces Are To Be Buffed

Except for glass wallpapering furniture surfaces, sanding wooden and plastic furniture is a preferred choice to alleviate any irregularities or imperfections. For this purpose, medium-grain sandpaper is the best choice.

  1. For wood furniture, you should scrape in the direction of the wood grain pattern.
  2. For plastic furniture, it’s better to use gentle force to eliminate that lustrous plastic finish & make wallpapering furniture adhesion more efficient.
  3. Always take care when sanding wallpapering furniture surfaces because excessive scraping may lead to damaged aesthetics.

4. Remove Existing Wallpaper From Furniture (If Needed)

  1. Use a putty knife to carefully extract existing wallpaper from your furniture items.
  2. Try to remove the wallpaper in one go and without any breaks.
  3. Don’t use any sharp/pointed objects or tools that may harm the furniture surface.
  4. No need to remind you that you’ll have to again clean furniture surfaces after removing old wallpaper.
  5. Be careful not to hurry up when removing wallpaper as it may cause damage to your precious furniture element.

5. Apply The Wallpaper & Press It In Line

Finally, the time has come for the most crucial application of this DIY project i.e. Wallpapering the furniture.

  1. Gently press down the wallpaper in line onto the furniture surface using a scraper or squeegee.
  2. Take extra care when pressing down the wallpaper because creases or lumps can appear & need to be handled carefully. Be mindful of not using hand force to get rid of creases or lumps.
  3. Depending on your choice of wallpaper, you should keep an eye on the wallpaper application techniques beforehand.

6. The Finishing Touch With Wallpapering Furniture Trimming

A professional-looking uniform wallpaper finish is only achievable once you apply a brayer & trim the excessive wallpaper edges.

  1. A DIY wallpapering furniture application in most cases leads to air pockets and wrinkles that can be alleviated with a brayer application.
  2. Align the brayer edge and roll it over from one wallpaper end to another.
  3. Now, it’s just about removing excess wallpaper from edges but it should be done with pure attention to detail.
  4. Always use pencil markings to determine trims rightfully and carefully remove them with scissors.

In Summary!

Wallpapering furniture is a fun DIY task that uplifts the visual appeal of your home interior and protects wallpapering furniture against various abrasive & non-abrasive damage. In this blog post, we’ve guided amateurs about everything they need to know about decorating furniture items with wallpaper applications. Following this step-wise guide, you’re sure to achieve seamless outcomes that guarantee long-lasting benefits.

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